Monday, December 11, 2006

Padrino, you're a Committed Partner

You are a devoted person who feels the greatest sense of security when you're in a stable relationship with a dedicated partner.
At times when you're not part of a couple, you're likely daydreaming about romance — at least during the moments when your mind isn't focused on advancing your own personal success.
You have an easygoing, approachable nature that can make you a great mate and friend. It's a trait you can surely put to good use in any romantic relationship.

KATRINAS de CHANES! culpable pasó volando por aqui.


El Padrino said...

Guilty as charge

Culpable, si, si...

Anonymous said...

Pero que prometedor... Padrino uselo como carta de presentación.
Dragonfly le hizo un favor